Fast and Easy Peanut Sauce

I didn’t really make any resolutions for 2020, but I did go into the new year with the intention to start eating better. I had been in sort of a food funk for a month or two, eating lots of (delicious) holiday junk and getting by on protein bars for lunch instead of actually cooking. I’m starting to get back on track with eating more interesting and nourishing foods which in turn is making me more excited about actually preparing food. Also, now I’m stuck in the house for the next…2 weeks? 2 months? 73 years? due to COVID-19, so cooking and eating is a fun way to spend my time.

One of the best ways to get myself to eat a ton of veggies is to cover them in a ridiculously tasty sauce. Peanut sauce has always been a favorite of mine but I was looking for an easy, everyday way to make it, preferably without having a sink full of dirty dishes after cooking. I just use the 1/2 tbsp measuring spoon for everything except the ground spices and mix with a fork in a small bowl. Prep your veggies however you want. I like to air fry broccoli and cauliflower, microwave some greens, and mix everything up with rice noodles. The peanut sauce itself takes about 5 minutes and the whole meal takes 15 minutes max. to complete!

Fast and Easy Peanut Sauce

makes 1 serving

ready in 1-5 minutes depending on how long it takes you to heat water


  • 2 tbsp creamy natural peanut butter

  • 1/2 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1/2 tbsp soy sauce

  • 1/2 tbsp lime juice

  • 1/2 tbsp sriracha

  • 1/2 tbsp very hot water

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger


  1. Put everything in a little bowl. Mix it up with a fork til it’s pretty smooth. Aaaand, you’re done.

mmm peanutty