30 recipes in 30 days

Over the past few years, I’ve amassed quite a collection of vegan cookbooks. They make a beautiful, colorful display on my kitchen bookshelf, but I would like to make use of them more. Some are used semi-regularly while others have been flipped through and admired but never utilized. I tend to go back to the same tried and true recipes when I’m looking for something to cook instead of branching out and trying new ones. As 2019 approaches, I am challenging myself to try one new recipe each day for 30 days.

Some of my hopes for this project are that…

  • cooking real meals will become part of my everyday routine, not just something I save for the weekends or days off. Instead of grabbing a protein bar on my way out the door, I’d like to make time to prepare something nutritious, filling, and enjoyable and take the time to enjoy it.

  • I will have many more recipes to add to my tried and true list, with more variety and excitement!

  • I’ll learn more in general about cooking, how flavors and ingredients work together, and be inspired to improvise more and get creative with my cooking.

  • blogging about the process will remind me of what worked and what didn’t, and it will help me get into a routine of blogging regularly instead of writing something once every 3 months!
